Monday, April 20, 2009

Ways to let everyone know that you're a prospective student

Ways to let everyone know that you're a prospective student
  • Use a tray at Commons and take one separate plate for each type of food
  • Walk five people abreast on Martin's Way, preferably as slow as possible
  • Stop at random buildings and observe them thoughtfully, even things like the pump house or the carriage building
  • Look around alertly, especially at things no one else notices, like the tops of buildings, squirrels, and the bronze map.
  • Be completely stunned or appalled when the streakers come through
  • Act extremely excited and engaged in the 8:30am statistics class you attend
  • Act like you know where you're going and that you're really cool, even though your outfit, attitude, and accessories completely give you away (see below)
  • Carry a blue folder, walk with your parents, be completely clean-shaven, be energetic and alert, and wear a freshly pressed button-down shirt

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